All our prints are produced on a Canon wide-format printer using Lucia inks which have been laboratory tested to retain their wonderful colour for 106 years if hung under glass and out of indirect sunlight.  That could make them an heirloom for your grandchildren!  We print on Inkpress Pro Glossy photo paper for maximum color intensity.  Our prints are available in these sizes and prices:

8.5x11 inches         $9.95
11x17 inches          $19.95
17x22 inches         $39.95

Please email us at to let us know which prints you would like to purchase.  Shipping costs vary depending on your location.  Please email us if you would like an estimate for shipping to your home, stating the size(s) of prints in which you are interested.  We offer discounts on multiple purchases.  Please ask us about these discounts as well.

Many thanks!!!

The Photo Grail